Work House (Marketplace)

Personal finance, working, and running a business


Work House Resources

Most of these resources are oriented towards living and doing business in the USA.

Financial terms stump you? Try this glossary from Bloomberg.


The information in this section is collected and maintained by {yakfat}.


Credit and Credit Cards

The Credit Reporting Bureaus:








Help with identity theft :

Identity Theft Resource Center


Phishing Awareness

From the U.S. Federal Trade Commission


More on Credit Cards:

10 hidden dangers of credit cards


More on Banks:

Comparing Bank Rates

Here's a good place to compare bank rates on all sorts of accounts


Other good links

Job Hunting?

The Job Hunter's Bible

website linked to the book "What Color Is Your Parachute?  A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers

Ask The Headhunter

the insider's edge on job search & hiring


Financial Calculators

Net Worth

calculate your net worth

Monthly Budget

a simple monthly budget worksheet


how much of a mortgage can you afford?

Mortgage Qualification

calculates what kind of
income lenders will expect you to be making to qualify for the
specific values. Property tax and home insurance numbers vary greatly
by region and construction type so those fields are at your discretion.


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Last Updated: April 10, 2005